The Chaffinch Trust
No act of co-operation is ever wasted
The Chaffinch Trust, a registered charity, was established in Scotland in 2012.
Its aim is to encourage communication, co-operation and collaboration amongst organisations and individuals in order to develop initiatives and projects that support and encourage those living in areas of disadvantage.
It addresses the challenges these communities face because of poverty and lack of opportunity and builds on the energy and commitment of those in existing groups to create local, national and international partnerships.
We are honoured to have the Patronage of HRH The Princess Royal and the charity was launched in Buckingham Palace in 2017.
I have taken the lessons learnt from my involvement with the charity Give Them a Sporting Chance(GTaSC) which I founded in 1990. The remarkable benefits of people working together have enabled people with disabilities and carers to have the opportunity of turning their sporting and recreational dreams into reality whilst raising funds for a charity other than GTaSC.
The idea of encouraging organisations to work even more in harmony to tackle the needs of those who live in disadvantaged areas provides a fresh approach in the midst of increasing poverty in Britain and elsewhere.
The charity has 5 trustees, a core management team and many ambassadors. All are volunteers.
The Chaffinch Trust in Britain
In Britain the Chaffinch Trust is establishing a series of long term collaborative projects between organisations, an example being our work with Save the Children’s ‘FAST programme’
The Chaffinch Trust Abroad
Collaboration and co-operation is encouraged in projects, most recently in Kenya. Projects are in the planning stages in Cambodia, Guatemala, Malawi, Nepal, Syria and the Yemen.