How the charity works
The Trust's mission is to support and encourage those working for people who live in disadvantaged areas on low incomes and lacking opportunity. A fundamental aim is to encourage all to achieve their potential.To be able to see the power in others.
This happened in Kenya in 2012. A playing field was created as a result of The Chaffinch Trust. The Management Team faciliteted and coordinated many to take part in building a sports ground for The Jacaranda School for disabled and disadvantaged children in Nairobi.Other groups helped in different ways.
A vast array of groups were drawn together by Chaffinch.
Starehe Boys Centre students helped with the building work, TA Constuction, who provided the machinery and Gemineye Construction helped with equipment for the project. Kuku Foods (K) gave KFC lunches for all participating in the work and Gossamer Crossings (EA) and Mrs B.J. Belcher gave funds in order for the project to happen.A variety of charities all helped. Give Them a Sporting Chance was involved as were The Nairobi Rotary Club, The Rotary Club of Nairobi-Langata, students from The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, The Balcraig Foundation, The Robertson Group as well as encouragement from the IFRC+RC and Save the Children. A wealth of people and organisations joined together to make this outstanding project happen.
Individuals and groups approach The Chaffinch Trust with projects that will benefit from collaboration. The Trust facilitates partnerships to ensure that, by working together, the project can achieve its aims. The Management Team strives to bring existing organisations and micro-financers around the table in order that even more can be achieved. In doing so, the Trust enables savings in costs, time and manpower so that those less fortunate have the opportunity to prosper.
Our initial work in Britain has included partnerships with Swinfen Telemedicine, Save the Children, Rotary International, state and independent schools, Opportunity International, sports clubs, law firms as well as numerous individuals and specialist groups.
The commitment of The Chaffinch Trust is over an extended period of time in order to ensure continuity, stability and sustainability. The Trust does not have paid worker, it is run by volunteers.